Hi! I am Marzieh. Kazerooni Nejhad

Professional Painter

Born: 1984. Kazeroon- Fars

■ Education

2016 – to now M.A in painting from Shiraz Art university.

2014 – B.A in painting from Azad university in shiraz.

2008 – Self thought in Persian miniature.

2008 – BA in Calligraphy.

2006 – Diploma from young Cinema & photography association in Kazeron- Fars.

2003 – Art diploma from kazeroon high school. 2003-2005 Art teacher in Primary school

■ Exhibitions

2018 – Artist Residency in Bait Muzna Gallery Mascat, Oman.

2013-2016 – Participating in four annual group Exhibition of paintings & drawings in memorial of (Nima mortazavi), Shiraz.

2015 – Group Exhibition at Fars contemporary artists — Khaney ho-narmandan -Tehran.

2011 – Group exhibiting in Niyavaran gallery – Tehran.

2009 – Solo Exhibition in gallery Honarmanadan – Shiraz.

2007 – Group exhibiting Khanyeh honarmandan -Esfahan.

■ Activities

2015 — now Manger of Mim art academy of Fine Arts — shiraz .

2013 – now Teaching Persian miniature.

2012-2013 – Manager of videos and photos Association in Kazer-oun-Fars.

2011- Member of the executive Board of the national Festival of Calligraphy in Tehran.

2008 – Member of the institute of Fars Fine Arts- Shiraz.

2007 – Member of the institute of fine Arts Development of Iran-Shiraz.

2016 – first prize in Art calligraphy Festival in Mashhad 2006-2016 Second place in the National Fine Arts Festival of Imam Reza- Mashad.